Garlic from Monarch Farm
We’re offering two hardneck varieties, German Red and Polish White, grown by Monarch Farm in Scott, NY. They both boast huge, easy-to-peel cloves. The German is little bit spicier, but they’re both garlicky enough for any use.
Garlic is both delicious and medicinal, and also incredibly easy to grow! It’s a “set it and forget it” crop that you plant in the fall and harvest the next summer. Each clove turns into one whole new head of garlic. The better the cloves you start with, the better the end result, so do not compromise on your seed stock! And do not compromise on your food, either. Whether you enjoy garlic for it’s exciting flavor or its health benefits, buying local, organically grown garlic ensures that no bleach, methyl bromide, or questionable fertilizer (think raw sewage) comes anywhere near your plate. Garlic keeps well--here are some ideas for storage, including ways to make future meal prep even easier—so stock up, and you’ll be ready for any recipe, whether this year or next. |